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new patch for namazu.el (Re: namazu.el patch for GNU Emacs 19.28)

>>>>> <200001260333.MAA22299@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> にて、
>>>>> "白井" = <shirai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> さんは書きました:
白井> 三好さんのパッチ(と mouse-face) + 若干のバグ修正をしておきました。

mouse-face の設定に若干問題があります。ついでに、ほかの手直しも考

問題ないようでしたら、commit して頂ければと思います。

;; .emacs 以外の lisp のコードを書くのは、ほとんど初めてです。変なこと
;; をしていたら、指摘してください。


・font-lock の再変更:mouse-face の設定方法は、Emacs 19.28 付属の 
  font-lock では無効です。font-lock のバージョンに応じて、
  namazu-font-lock-keywords の設定方法を変更するようにしました。あわせ
  て、font-lock 時に実行される検索回数が少なくなる(と思われる)ように設

・namazu-field-complete のエラーの回避:namazu-default-dir が nil の場
  namazu-field-complete を起動したときに発生するエラーも回避するように

・namazu-default-dir のデフォルト値の設定:namazu.el 起動時に、
  namazu-default-dir が nil の場合は、Namazu の設定ファイル(.namazurc 
  とnamazu-field-complete で、namazu-default-dir が nil の場合の解釈が

Mule for Windows(19.28)
GNU Emacs 19.34
Meadow 1.10(20.4)
XEmacs 20.4

*** ChangeLog.orig	Wed Jan 26 18:37:20 2000
--- ChangeLog	Wed Jan 26 21:52:16 2000
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,15 ----
+ 2000-01-26  MIYOSHI Masanori <miyoshi@xxxxxxxxx>
+ 	* namazu.el (namazu-font-lock-keywords): Support font-lock for Emacs 19.28. 
+ 	(namazu-config-file-path): New variable for configuration file.
+ 	(namazu-make-field-completion-alist): Avoid error when namazu-default-dir is nil.
+ 	(namazu-field-complete): Avoid completion error at beginning of buffer.
+ 	(match-string): Supplemental definition of match-string.
+ 	(namazu-search-config-file): New function. Search Namazu configuration file.
+ 	(namazu-read-config-file): New function. Read Namazu configuration file.
+ 	(namazu-get-default-index-dir): New function. Get default value for namazu-default-dir.
+ 	(namazu-default-dir): Get default value from configuration file.
  2000-01-25  Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  	* namazu.el (namazu-version): namazu.el 1.0.3
*** namazu.el.orig	Wed Jan 26 18:37:20 2000
--- namazu.el	Wed Jan 26 22:53:06 2000
*** 157,162 ****
--- 157,171 ----
      (if (> emacs-major-version 19) 'euc-jp '*euc-japan*))
    "*OS の内部コードと異なり、かつ動かない場合に変更してみてください。")
+ (defvar namazu-config-file-path
+   (list (getenv "NAMAZUCONFPATH")
+ 	(getenv "NAMAZUCONF")		; obsolete?
+ 	"./.namazurc"
+ 	"~/.namazurc"
+ 	"/usr/local/etc/namazu/namazurc"
+ 	"/usr/local/namazu/lib/namazurc") ;obsolete?
+   "*Search path for a Namazu configuration file.")
  ;; ここから先をいじって、素敵になったら教えてくださいね。
*** 434,444 ****
          (completion-buffer "*Competions*")
          word start result)
!       (skip-chars-backward "^\n+")
!       (backward-char 1)
!       (setq start (point))
!       (setq word (buffer-substring start p)))
!     (setq result (try-completion word alist))
       ((eq result t)
--- 443,453 ----
          (completion-buffer "*Competions*")
          word start result)
!       (if (re-search-backward "\\+[^ \t]*" nil t)
! 	  (progn
! 	    (setq start (match-beginning 0))
! 	    (setq word (match-string 0))
! 	    (setq result (try-completion word alist)))))
       ((eq result t)
*** 457,468 ****
  (defun namazu-make-field-completion-alist (namazu-dir)
    "make \'+files:\' completion alist."
!   (let* ((dir (expand-file-name 
!                (if (null namazu-dir)
                   (or (cdr (assoc namazu-dir namazu-dir-alist))
!                      namazu-dir))))
!          (fl (and (file-exists-p dir)
                    (directory-files dir)))
           fields file)
      (while (setq file (car fl))
--- 466,478 ----
  (defun namazu-make-field-completion-alist (namazu-dir)
    "make \'+files:\' completion alist."
!   (let* ((dir (if (null namazu-dir)
                   (or (cdr (assoc namazu-dir namazu-dir-alist))
!                      namazu-dir)))
!          (fl (and dir
! 		  (setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
! 		  (file-exists-p dir)
                    (directory-files dir)))
           fields file)
      (while (setq file (car fl))
*** 472,477 ****
--- 482,555 ----
        (setq fl (cdr fl)))
+ (defun namazu-search-config-file ()
+   "Search namazu-config-file-path for a Namazu configuration file.
+ Return the abosolute file name of the configuration.  When the file is
+ not found, return nil "
+   (let ((config-file-list namazu-config-file-path) config-file)
+     (setq config-file-list (delq nil config-file-list))
+     (if (catch 'found
+ 	  (while config-file-list
+ 	    (setq config-file (expand-file-name (car config-file-list)))
+ 	    (and (file-exists-p config-file)
+ 		 (throw 'found t))
+ 	    (setq config-file-list (cdr config-file-list))))
+ 	config-file
+       nil)))
+ (defun namazu-read-config-file (file)
+   "Read a namazu configuration file and return an alist of directive
+ and value(s) pairs.
+ FILE indicates the absolute file name of the configuration file. FILE
+ must exists."
+   (let* (conf-alist
+ 	 (buffer (get-file-buffer file))
+ 	 (buffer-already-there-p buffer))
+     (or buffer-already-there-p
+ 	(setq buffer (find-file-noselect file)))
+     (unwind-protect
+ 	(save-excursion
+ 	  (set-buffer buffer)
+ 	  (goto-char (point-min))
+ 	  (let (directive value1 value2)
+ 	    (while (re-search-forward "\\(^[ \t]*\\(INDEX\\|BASE\\|\
+ LOGGING\\|LANG\\|SCORING\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n#]+\\)\\)\\|\
+ \\(^[ \t]*\\(REPLACE\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n#]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n#]+\\)\\)" nil t)
+ 	      (cond ((match-string 1)   ; only 1 value
+ 		     (setq directive (match-string 2))
+ 		     (setq value1 (match-string 3))
+ 		     (setq conf-alist
+ 			   (delete (assoc directive conf-alist) conf-alist))
+ 		     (setq conf-alist
+ 			   (cons (cons directive value1) conf-alist)))
+ 		    ((match-string 4)	; 2 values
+ 		     (setq directive (match-string 5))+ 		     (setq value1 (match-string 6))
+ 		     (setq value2 (match-string 7))
+ 		     (setq conf-alist
+ 			   (delete (assoc directive conf-alist) conf-alist))
+ 		     (setq conf-alist
+ 			   (cons (list directive value1 value2)
+ 				 conf-alist)))))))
+       (if (not buffer-already-there-p)
+ 	  (kill-buffer buffer)))
+     conf-alist))
+ (defun namazu-get-default-index-dir ()
+   "Get a Namazu default index directory from a Namazu configuration file.
+ Return \"/usr/local/namazu/index\" if the configuration file is not
+ found."
+   (let (config-file conf-alist cell dir)
+     (setq config-file (namazu-search-config-file))
+     (if config-file
+ 	(progn
+ 	  (setq conf-alist (namazu-read-config-file config-file))
+ 	  (setq cell (assoc "INDEX" conf-alist))
+ 	  (and cell
+ 	       (setq dir (cdr cell)))
+ 	  dir)
+       "/usr/local/namazu/index")))
  (defun namazu-mode ()
    "Namazu の検索結果を閲覧するためのモードです。
*** 577,582 ****
--- 655,668 ----
        (defun event-point (event)
  	(posn-point (event-start event)))))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (or (fboundp 'match-string)
+       (defun match-string (num &optional string)
+ 	(if (match-beginning num)
+ 	    (if string
+ 		(substring string (match-beginning num) (match-end num))
+ 	      (buffer-substring (match-beginning num) (match-end num)))))))
  (defun namazu-view ()
*** 690,721 ****
        (setq font-lock-variable-name-face font-lock-type-face))
    (or (boundp 'font-lock-reference-face)
        (setq font-lock-reference-face font-lock-function-name-face))
!   (defvar namazu-font-lock-keywords
!     (list
!      (list namazu-output-title-pattern         1 'font-lock-comment-face)
!      (list namazu-output-title-pattern         2 'font-lock-keyword-face)
!      (list namazu-output-title-pattern         3 'font-lock-reference-face)
!      (list namazu-output-header-pattern        1 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
!      (list namazu-output-url-pattern
! 	   1 '(progn (set-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
! 					  '(mouse-face highlight))
! 		     'font-lock-function-name-face))
!      (list namazu-output-url-pattern           3 'font-lock-type-face)
!      (list namazu-output-current-list-pattern  0 'font-lock-comment-face)
!      (list namazu-output-pages-pattern         0 'font-lock-comment-face))
!     "Namazu での検索結果にお化粧をするための設定です. ")
!     (if (boundp 'font-lock-defaults)
  	 (lambda ()
  	   (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
  	   (setq font-lock-defaults
  		 '((namazu-font-lock-keywords) t))
! 	   (font-lock-mode 1)))
!       (add-hook 'namazu-display-hook
! 		(lambda ()
! 		  (setq font-lock-keywords namazu-font-lock-keywords)
! 		  (font-lock-mode 1)))))
   ((featurep 'hilit19)
--- 776,823 ----
        (setq font-lock-variable-name-face font-lock-type-face))
    (or (boundp 'font-lock-reference-face)
        (setq font-lock-reference-face font-lock-function-name-face))
!   (if (boundp 'font-lock-defaults)
!       (progn
! 	(defvar namazu-font-lock-keywords
! 	  (list
! 	   (list namazu-output-title-pattern
! 		 '(1 font-lock-comment-face)
! 		 '(2 font-lock-keyword-face)
! 		 '(3 font-lock-reference-face))
! 	   (list namazu-output-header-pattern
! 		 1 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
! 	   (list namazu-output-url-pattern
! 		 '(1 (progn
! 		       (set-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
! 					    '(mouse-face highlight))
! 		       font-lock-function-name-face))
! 		 '(3 font-lock-type-face))
! 	   (list namazu-output-current-list-pattern
! 		 0 'font-lock-comment-face)
! 	   (list namazu-output-pages-pattern 0 'font-lock-comment-face))
! 	  "Namazu での検索結果にお化粧をするための設定です. ")
  	 (lambda ()
  	   (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
  	   (setq font-lock-defaults
  		 '((namazu-font-lock-keywords) t))
! 	   (font-lock-mode 1))))
!     (defvar namazu-font-lock-keywords
!       (list
!        (list namazu-output-title-pattern 1 'font-lock-comment-face)
!        (list namazu-output-title-pattern 2 'font-lock-keyword-face)
!        (list namazu-output-title-pattern 3 'font-lock-reference-face)
!        (list namazu-output-header-pattern 1 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
!        (list namazu-output-url-pattern 1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
!        (list namazu-output-url-pattern 3 'font-lock-type-face)
!        (list namazu-output-current-list-pattern  0 'font-lock-comment-face)
!        (list namazu-output-pages-pattern 0 'font-lock-comment-face))
!       "Namazu での検索結果にお化粧をするための設定です. ")
!     (add-hook 'namazu-display-hook
! 	      (lambda ()
! 		(setq font-lock-keywords namazu-font-lock-keywords)
! 		(font-lock-mode 1)))))
   ((featurep 'hilit19)
*** 728,732 ****
--- 830,837 ----
      (list namazu-output-url-pattern    3 'grey40)))
    (add-hook 'namazu-display-hook
+ (or namazu-default-dir
+     (setq namazu-default-dir (namazu-get-default-index-dir)))
  ;; end here.
三好 雅則 mailto:miyoshi@xxxxxxxxx
 (Meadow のページ作成中)