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Re: French words

At Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:20:22 +0200,

> I've a problem with some characters like "é" or "è" (I even don't know if
> you can see it). Exemple :
> I have a Word document which contains the word "étrange" (which means
> strange, weird). I index the file, but when I search for "étrange" in
> namazu.cgi, it didn't detect it, and "étrange" is replaced by "ñÕrange" when
> after click on "Search!".
> Should I put "FR" somewhere in a config file ? Is there a missing package ?
> ... ?

It is maybe a bug. At first, Namazu was designed for handling US-ASCII
and Japanese encoding. So it wouldn't be good for other languages.

I'll try to fix it, but it could not be in time for 2.0.6 release...
NOKUBI Takatsugu
E-mail: knok@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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