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Re: namazu doing CGI env check (was Re: Formats of NMZ.* files)

Sorry for my late reply.

Why namazu command can't work with CGI because it has security issue.
In the past, namazu comamnd and namazu.cgi was merged with a
executable binary, but it accepts command line options as CGI
paramater. So remote user can invoke with --output option or
something, it is bad.
Therefore current version of Namazu was splitted into 2 binaries.

In article <200208302040.g7UKeN926136@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
earl@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

>> The goal of the CGI is to allow for a "permanent" bookmark to an
>> archived message.  A problem with MHonArc's message number system is
>> that if archive is rebuilt from raw messages, but some raw messages have
>> been deleted and/or are in different order, the message numbering will
>> be different.  This is a problem for people you reference archived
>> messages in their mail.

That's great. I had thought such like function.

I made a perl binding of libnmz, you can get from cvs
<> or 

Unfortunately, it lacks NMZ.field.* support. Ok, I'll add the function
to my ToDo list. If I can do it, you will make it easier.
NOKUBI Takatsugu
E-mail: knok@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
	knok@xxxxxxxxxx / knok@xxxxxxxxxx